1991 July 1st

launch of Cross Cultures magazine

How about that !!
July 1 1991

and at the Multicultural Festival
in Kitchener Ontario’s Victoria Park
. . . this is where we will start . . .

Cross Cultures is open to everyone to participate
our main goal is to promote
harmony and better understanding
between the different cultures and faiths of Canada

through knowledge and frank exchange we do not shy from hard topics ..

we tenaciously uphold FREEDOM of speech, FREEDOM of thought and all other FREEDOMS that do not transgress others’ human rights !

we believe that through open and sincere dialogue
intelligent and intellectual debate
the exchange of knowledge and view points
we can transcend many barriers

overcome fear of the unknown

the magazine does not take any stand from issues rather we welcome freedom of expression for all and wish to stress that the articles reflect the individual writers’ opinions

we will however not shy away from discussing issues that concern us all regarding freedom of expression, thought and spiritual practices, human rights, racism, and whatever comes up … so we encourage you to start writing …

with so many wonderfully rich cultures, civilizations, faiths and spiritualities, how wonderful it would be to communicate and “meet”, share ideas, debate and discuss issues with respect, intellect and sincerity .. to enrich each other’s horizons …  this is the first of what we hope can be a friendly companion to you all

we reach out with open arms to all cultural, ethnic and faith groups to join hands and help us make a go of it!

share an article educating us all, and help us understand your group’s concerns

measuring any action according to one’s own standards may sometimes do injustice to people; it is for that reason that we ask that submissions be written by a member of the specific culture or faith . . . for who can explain it better ??

the exception of course will be for travel diaries, observations from one culture to another is also enlightening provided there are no derogatory remarks

Cross Cultures magazine
(a division of Sphinx Freelance Corporation)
is registered with the National Library of Canada under ISSN 1188-8032; Copyright 408918, 1991