poems . .

Buenas Noches, Senority
by Hoang Chinh

Buenos dias, Senorita
Good morning, the stateless girl
Life in exile’s hopelessly thin
since grief’s ulcerating us, bones and skin.

Buenas tardes, Senorita
Good afternoon, my little girl.
Life’s going downhill; life’s difficult
any hope in your haggard eyes ?

Buenas noches, Senorita
Good evening, little girl. Night is fathomless.
Fires are South, where your homeland is
Nicaragua, or Guatemala … ?
Through the darkness of night
covered by curtains of tear.
Do you still see your home country everywhere ?

Buenas noches, Senorita
Sleep well, dear ; please sleep for me
Since on the other side of the sea
my parents are suffering in the desperate fight
how can I sleep in this luxuriously comfortable night
thinking about pieces of tapioca
and sweet potato of my home country ?

So please dream an extra nice dream for me.
Buenas noches, Senorita

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Bello Canada !
by Maria viuda de (widow of) Amaya

mi segundo patria,
que me acogio con amor,
me abrio sus brazos
cual madre amorosa
y posar en tu dulce regazo.
Te amo, mi segundo patria,
por que eres bella, eres grande y generosa,
cual una diosa,
Para ti, que has hecho nacer en me pecho,
torrentes de amor,
por tus lirios perfumados,
por tus rosas rojas,
por el blanco sudario de tus campos
cubiertos de nieve
Por tudo, TE AMO !

Beautiful Canada !

My second country,
that welcomed me with love
opened its arms
like a loving mother
embraced me close to your heart
I love you my second country
for being beautiful, vast and generous
like a goddess
for you who has created in my heart
lots of love,
for your perfumed lilies,
for your red roses,
for the white shroud of your prairies
covered with snow
For everything, I LOVE YOU !