r o u n d t a b l e interactive discussion series

Cross Cultures magazine continues to promote

mutually respect

let’s enjoy a cooked meal and discuss different topics in this

r o u n d t a b l e interactive dialogue / discussion series

r o u n d t a b l e interactive discussion series

Cross Cultures magazine continues to promote

mutual respect

let’s enjoy a cooked meal and discuss different topics in this

r o u n d t a b l e interactive discussion / dialogue series

~ the venue will be at a south of Kitchener restaurant – a private room
(register to find out location and cost)

if you wish to join us please pre-register:
– as we need to know the numbers IN ADVANCE

meal consists of:
* soup or salad
* hot entree ~ dietary requirements available
* dessert
* coffee

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Monday December 19 2011

It’s Christmas . . . not holiday !!

Let’s mutually respect what is sacred for each of us, and recognize political correctness – applied thoughtlessly – as the divisive, very ill-conceived process that it is

At the same time politics should have no place in one’s personal life
(case in point: what just happened in Gatineau, Quebec)

Tuesday January 24 2012

Secular vs Civil Law

* what happens when religious beliefs collide with civil and / or human rights

* in Canada we are so fortunate to have the freedom to practice whatever faith, tradition, spirituality we choose … and from time to time we are faced with issues that need to be addressed . . . do we understand Sharia Law, can we distinguish between what is an Honour Killing and what is Domestic Violence?

* how much is culture and how much is religion?

* this is a struggle that is not unique to Islam

Tuesday October 13 2015

Niqab or no Niqab ?

the niqab is back in the spotlights after the federal court dismissed the government’s appeal regarding citizenship ceremonies ..

* the Canadian way ??
* the ongoing debate about the niqab being a religious requirement
* the legal perspective
* the Charter of Rights & Freedoms / Constitution
* the current government’s approach to minorities

Tuesday September 27 2016

Canadian Values . . .

* Canadian way ??
* Charter of Rights & Freedoms / Constitution
* our values in regards to FIRST NATIONS rights
* our values in regards to newcomers

* academic freedom
* the legal perspective
* the different levels of governments’ approach to our freedoms

Wednesday September 20 2017
starts @ 5:30 pm

victimhood   vs   female empowerment

victimhood jpg

* the existing situation as you see it ?
* identifying the obstacles ? are they systemic, cultural ??
* steps necessary to move forward ?
* identify, suggest, recommend plan of action ?