Gehan D Sabry
founder, editor, publisher of Cross Cultures magazine since 1991
Bachelor of Commerce degree (1974), fluent in several languages
Self Employed Career Highlights in Canada:
On July 1st 1991 (Canada Day) I launched – and I am the founder, editor and publisher of Cross Cultures- a national Canadian bi-monthly magazine whose mandate is to promote mutual respect and racial harmony through knowledge and better understanding between the different cultures, faiths and races of Canada; our goal is to nurture and establish a base for human relations free of racism and stereotyping.
In addition to the print publication, Cross Cultures partners with numerous institutions – organizing monthly, annual and occasional events.
While continuing to edit, publish, distribute as well as promote and market the magazine, with the strong conviction that the magazine is accomplishing its goals, I have also been the co-owner / manager of Sphinx Graphics & Printing since 1994.
I have the personal ability to communicate and interact with individuals on a human level, regardless of race, culture, religion / spirituality, conviction or background … and I truly believe that if you choose to look for the good in each person . . . you will find it.
2023 * Lifetime Achievement Award for promoting Mutual Respect (Caribbean Dreams Organization)
2010 * Ontario Leading Women, Building Communities Award (Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues)
2006 * Strong Role Model Award (YMCA International)
2004 * Entrepreneur Immigrant Woman (FOCUS for Ethnic Women of Waterloo Region)
1998 * Spirit of Local Democracy (The Working Centre) – presented by Mayor Of Kitchener
1994 * Invaluable Contributions to Race Relations (Race Relations Committee of K-W) – presented by Lincoln Alexander Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
1993 * Baha’i Community’s OUTSTANDING EFFORTS AWARD – for Promoting Racial Harmony
1993 * Sikh Community’s SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION AWARD – for Promoting Racial Harmony
I had also been nominated for:
*outstanding commitment to eliminating racial discrimination at the 16th Annual J S Woodsworth awards
*senior of the year award (MACKS)
- invited speaker and panelist
- facilitating workshops
- Coalition of Concerned Citizens- responding to racial incidents in Waterloo Region
* hosting two radio shows on CKWR 98 5 FM, one by the same name of the magazine : Cross Cultures, and one called Mashrabeya in Arabic as a window to the Arab cultures and community
2017-2019 * M A C K S – Mayor of Kitchener’ advisory committee for Seniors
2016 * KWPeace group
2009 * African Canadian Association of Waterloo Region – board member and later vice president and vice chair, also long time member of the NGO: *African Women’s Alliance of Waterloo Region for many years – participated in many of their annual Afro Festival – in Waterloo Park (representing Egypt) as well as speaker at annual African Heritage event
2009-2012 * Equity & Inclusion Advisory Group: Waterloo Region District School Board
2009 * Hiring Committee to select Equity and Inclusion Officer for WRDSB
2008-2014 * Multicultural PreNatal Health Fair committee – Region of Waterloo Public Health
2007-2009 * YWCA Interfaith Committee
2006 * Participated in the Waterloo Regional District School Board Audit Report on Equity
2006 * WE ARE ONE day organizing committee member
2006 * Friendship Mini Soccer Tournament (partnership with WRPS)
– included four ethnic community teams (Portuguese, Serbian, Police, Afghanistani)
2005-2014 * Waterloo Regional Police Services OPEN HOUSE planning committee
2005-2010 * co-hosting with husband a weekly half hour radio show Islam Faith & Cultures on Faith FM 94.3
2000-2004 * Sacred World Music Festival committee : bi-annual event
1992-2003 * Race Religious and Ethno-cultural Equity Advisory Committee: Waterloo Region R C Separate School Board
2002-2003 * Mayor’s Task Force on Community Relations – City of Waterloo
2002 * Mayor’s Inclusion Working Group – City of Kitchener
1999-present * Waterloo Region’s Holocaust Education Committee – board member
1993-1995 * Advisory Panel of Women in Business & Industry:
Provincial Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues- Marion Boyd
1994/1995 * Race Relations of K-W‘s Planning Committee for commemoration of United Nations: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
1992-1997 * Equity Action Coalition: Waterloo Regional Public School Board
1992-1995 * Member Business Women in Networking
1992 * Hiring Committee to select Executive Director, Working for Work
2008 * YMCA Mentorship program
2006-2007 * Latitudes Story Telling Festival- story telling (Egypt)
1991-93 * co-hosting then hosting a one hour Arabic program Monday evenings 7pm on CKWR 98.5 FM
1991/92 * Board of Directors: K-W Arab Association
1991/92 * Steering Committee & Group Leader: Inter-cultural Women’s Group
1991-93 * Coordinator and teacher: Arabic Heritage Language
1991-93 * ESL Committee Chairperson: K-W Literacy Council
1991-93 * Literacy Workshop Apprentice Trainer: Laubach
1989-93 * ESL Tutor: K-W Literacy Council
1989-91 * Promotions & Public Relations Chairperson- Doon Pioneer Park Community Association
-Opening Ceremonies Week Committee of DPPCA Community Centre
(Chairing the Entertainment & Fundraising)
-Initiated and supervised many free drop in Hobby Clubs for all ages
-Started an annual Talents Festival
-Initiated Saturday Family Drop-In at Community Centre
-Published a community bi-monthly newsletter
-Co-ordinated neighbourhood representation in “Kitchener My City” Outdoor Art Exhibition
2009 – present * Cross Cultures Hero Gala, where everyone in the hall is a hero for what they personally contribute
2004-2009 * Perspectives Lecture Series-monthly (in partnership with Kitchener Public Library) with an annual Christmas Seasons of Light celebration
2001- present * International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (co-sponsor: City of Kitchener)
1994/95 * Panel Discussions on Anti-Racism (co-sponsor: Race Relations Committee of K-W)
* Live Phone -In show on Racial Harmony (co-sponsor: CKWR 98.7 FM Radio)
* Live Phone -In show on Racial Harmony (co-sponsor: Rogers Cable 20 TV)
1995 * Cross Cultures Talents Festival (co-sponsor: City of Kitchener)
1993 * Cross Cultures Art Contest (co-sponsor: Joseph Schneider Haus & Gallery)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Media appearances:
in the 1990 producer Lawrence McNaught had provided me with the opportunity to have a live phone in on Rogers Cable 20 local TV on anti racism on March 21st which is the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Invited frequently on Rogers Daytime to promote Cross Cultures sponsored community events
K-W Record – coverage for the annual UN Day March 21st, when receiving awards, and quoted on certain occasions
Rogers Mississauga – re Banning the Niqab (October 2009)
CTS Faith Journal #420 (first aired Dec.6/08)
CTV NATIONAL – being interviewed about Sharia Law
Sprit of Islam TV show – full hour interviews, twice, with husband – hosted by Ashraf Zaghloul